After reading this article, you’ll say “Why not?” and will go after your dreams. Here are 10 reasons why you should chase yourr dreams.

1. Develop a Sense of Empowerment

The key to a healthy self-esteem is the ability to feel empowered. I am not talking about a power trip here; it’s all about believing in one’s ability to accomplish great things. In the willpower of the individual to reach and surpass their true potential.

2. Create a Legacy for Yourself

Who doesn’t want to be remembered? Let’s face it, deep down we all care about what others think of us. We may not show it, we may never admit to it, but we do. So why not create a legacy for yourself? Creating a reputation that will follow you through life and beyond is important, no matter how much value to put to it.

3. Make Your Family and Friends Proud of You

This is self-explanatory and as important as creating a legacy. Yes, making people proud of you matters; you know it, I know it and for some of us more than others. It may or may not be the driving force behind what we do, but it’s definitely a factor.

4. Challenge Yourself

Prove to yourself that you can do a) whatever you put your mind to do and b) prove people who convinced you that you can’t do something wrong. The bottom line is that everyone likes to be challenged. You don’t have to be a hard core competitive personality to appreciate a good challenge, so dream it, and then go for it. Whatever it may be, just chase it.

5. Learn New Things and Acquire New Skills

There is nothing more dangerous for the human kind or our health than a dull mind. Learning new things keeps us healthy, and stronger mentally, emotionally, and physically. Whether it’s a new language, a new hobby, past time, or a craft. Learn how to sail, knit, speak Japanese, learn Excel, write a book, take cooking classes, run a marathon.

6. The Rewarding Results

There is nothing more rewarding that achieving your goals, setting new records and looking back to the hard work and where it lead you. You will become a mentor to someone that has the same or similar dreams and aspirations as you. The best part? The credit for whatever you achieve can never be taken from you. Word of advice: don’t forget to pat yourself on the back every once in a while.

7. Your Life Will Change

No matter what the goal is, no matter what you have dreamed of and achieved, your life will change. You will change. You will evolve and become more versatile, more intuitive, flexible, and stronger. You will never be the same person you were before you started on your pursuit of your dreams; you will discover abilities about yourself you didn’t know you had.

8. No Regrets

Some people regret the things they do, but almost everyone regrets the things they don’t do. So if you don’t want to live in the limelight of a life not lived, of a dreamed not chased, or a what if state of mind, then go for it!

9. People Will Look up to You

In the end, it doesn’t even matter if you achieve the goal. The important part is to try. To dream it, to plan it, to try it out. The goal may and will change, as long as you don’t sit idle you will be looked upon. Davey Anderson once said:

10. If You Don’t, Who Will?

Exactly my point! Good Luck!

More Tips About Pursuing Your Dreams

7 Reasons Why You Should Quit Your Job And Follow Your Dream How To Make Your Dreams Come True in 9 Simple Steps How to Plan Your Life Goals and Actually Achieve Them in 7 Simple Steps

Featured photo credit: Collin Hardy via