1. You sometimes procrastinate

Being seen as the good girl, people believe that you always finish your projects on time or before the deadline. What they do not know is that, on occasion, you have been known to put off a project until the very last minute and a couple of times you almost had to ask your boss for an extension on a project.

2. You have received a bad grade before

In school you were often labeled as the teacher’s pet and were known as the person that would always do whatever they could to receive extra credit. What people didn’t know then is that on a few occasions you decided to party instead of study- and the results of this were obvious when you got your mid-term back. You don’t regret it now, though, because you know it’s important to have a balance between work and play- and you know you pulled through okay in the end.

3. You have gossiped before

There is a common misconception that so-called ‘good girls’ never say anything bad about others, but you know this isn’t true. You might have a saintly image, but you’ve participated in your fair share of talking about others behind their backs. But you have always immediately regretted it afterwards.

4. You are attracted to a variety to men

Being seen as a good girl, people make the assumption that you look for a significant other who has a similar personality to you. You know this isn’t true, because the roster of men that you have dated come from a wide-range of cultures, religions and socio-economic backgrounds. You would not have it any other way.

5. You often disagree with your parents

Good girls are often seen as being best friends with their mothers or as being ‘daddy’s girls’. You are proof that this isn’t true, because you are not really close with either of your parents and only see them when necessary (like the holidays).

6. You love traveling to off the beaten path destinations

There is a common misconception that good girls do not like to do anything adventurous. This is simply not true, as evidenced by your passport filled with many stamps from around the world. Many of these places have been truly off the beaten path destinations.

7. You have had your share of flings

Good girls are known for having long-term boyfriends, but you know this is just not always the case. You have had your fair share of one-night stands and summer romances, along with long-term relationships. It is all about balance.

8. You love breaking stereotypes

You realize there are many things that people assume about you, but you love proving them wrong. You love seeing people’s faces when you tell them that you have a black belt in karate or that you have climbed Mount Kilimanjaro!

9. You know how to take care of yourself

Good girls are known to always politely decline a second serving of food, or wait for their Price Charming to come along and help them to fix a clogged drain. This definitely doesn’t fit the description of who you are. You can change a flat tire or clean out the garbage disposal as well as any handyman.

10. You know when you need to sincerely apologize

Good girls are often known for over-apologizing- even when it isn’t their fault. Despite this, you know the importance of recognizing when you truly need to say sorry and acknowledging that you know you are at fault. Featured photo credit: Flickr via flickr.com