1. They are your confidantes

You can share absolutely anything with them and they will keep it to themselves. They are your partners-in-crime given to you by God. You will hate people who they hate, by default, even if you don’t know them.

2. They can be very moody and a bit melodramatic at times…

…but they are your annoying little angels, who give you awesome advice about every thing going on in your life and you cannot help but listen to them. Well, at least my sister behaves as if she is older and more mature than me.

3. You can fight a lot and you might believe that they hold a lot of resentment towards you

But they really don’t. At the end of the day, you will come back to your senses because after all you are supposed to be the more responsible one and look after them (all the blame will ultimately be put on you, so you have learned to adjust).

4. They are your ATM

They will arrange money for you in any way they have to because they love you that much. And they usually don’t take no for an answer.

5. However much you may deny, the time which you spend with them is truly memorable

They can be the ray of sunshine when you are in dark clouds. You feel that you won’t get a better roommate than them, ever. And sometimes they will mess up the entire house and then, you feel that you won’t get a worse roommate than them.

6. You love them unconditionally

My brother was the baby of the house. The youngest, with two elder sisters, he was the most pampered. You might feel neglected at times, but then, when he gives you his toothless smile, you will go and hug him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84DLT4yRcy4

7. They look up to you a lot, even if you do not realize it

You feel that you have to set a good example for them and make sure that they do not repeat the same mistakes you did. But, they will ignore you at times. You will feel frustrated but since you have got no other option, you will keep on trying to bring them to the correct path (note: correct according to you)

8. You will feel protective of them throughout your life

So, whenever someone says something hurtful to them, you tend to pick up fights with the offenders. Only, you are allowed to say things to them. No one else.

9.You (eventually) feel bad about lying to them

At some point in your life, you must have told them that they were adopted or picked up from some garbage bin in front of your house. But when they started crying and complained to Mom, you will be the one in trouble.

10.  You learn to share things with them from a very early age

You might have common interests which makes things more interesting. My sister is a year younger than me and we pretty much have the same hobbies. The best thing about having younger siblings is the companionship. It’s like having really close friends who know everything about you. (almost everything).

Featured photo credit: vujade762 via flickr.com