1. They have said sorry five times in their lifetime – if that

Apologies are something that is said if they truly mean it and even then, it comes out like coughing up a hairball of needles. When someone that insists they are right over and over again and then finally apologizes to you, consider it as a precious gift. Some people can knock over their neighbor’s motorcycle and refuse to apologize.

2. They can be counted on to finish things

When they have an idea in their brain about a certain project or goal, don’t try to stop them or tell them they can’t. They will personally go out of their way to prove you are wrong. Just when you thought it was not physically possible to do a ten page assignment in two hours, they prove you wrong and get an A on it.

3. They hate when you hang up or walk away

This is going to be the worst thing that you can do when talking to someone who is stubborn. One of two things will happen when you hang up on them. One: they will call you back until you listen to what they have to say. Two: if you ignore their call, they will text you their point they need to prove or blow up our phone until you call them back. Never walk away from someone who is stubborn enough not to agree to disagree. Why? Because they will follow you, I know from personal experience. They will follow you all… the… way… home.

4. They will take you on an adventure (even if you don’t want to go)

If you have ever been in the car with someone that does not want to admit they are wrong, you have probably been on a car ride that was supposed to take fifteen minutes and it turned into an hour. There is no such thing as stopping for directions because everyone is going to give you wrong directions. They do not want help from you or your GPS either. The thing that gets you to believe them that they know where they are going is that they are so sure in their brains that they know the right way that their voice sounds as sure as the one one coming from your GPS (which is a computer that has calculated the way using an actual map).

5. Their closets are usually not in order all the time

This is mostly for the women that are extremely stubborn. They wake up with a particular outfit in mind and that is what they will wear. They don’t care if they have to turn their closet inside out, lift their bed up or wait for the dryer to wear the outfit they had a vision of when they woke up. Nothing else will work.

6. Their arguments are explosive and dangerous, so relationships can be hard

Relationships are hard enough to find and maintain. What happens when you add one stubborn person? It is really difficult to maintain. What happens when you have two stubborn people? Things are explosive and almost impossible. It is often easier to drive a stick shift in reverse up a steep hill and park it than it is to resolve a conflict with both people think that they are right and do not want to apologize. If there is an apology, it is something that will take a lifetime to get to and there will definitely be some bitterness.

7. They have the Google search bar on their home page

Google is the best and worst tool invented. Have you ever sat around talking and then something comes up that sparks a debate? You can take something as simple as, “It was from this movie” and they disagree. You are completely sure that it is and then they pull out their phone and prove their point. Most of the time, they are right, but oh… is it an amazing feeling to see someone prove themselves wrong.

8. They do their own thing

Usually this is something that can complicate the work environment or a group project. Here is what usually happens: you tell them that they need to do it this way and they will nod their head as you are telling them what to do and make you think that they understand. Then soon after, you see the doing what they wanted to do in the beginning.

9. They consider help kryptonite

Rarely, stubborn people do not like asking for help. It is a sign of weakness and they will not accept it. Unless, of course, they really need it. If you want to see it for yourself, invite one of your stubborn friends to help you put together an Ikea dresser and bet that they cannot do it without the directions. Here’s a tip, bring out a glass of wine and occasionally offer to help by reading the directions to them.

10. They can be either the best teammate or the worst

Was it a foul? The ref said no but we are all going to sit around for ten minutes and hear about how it was a foul. Depending on which team you are on will determine if you think this is a good quality or a bad one.

11. They are tricky friends to keep

This is because they are so hard headed, staying friends with someone who is stubborn is pretty hard because of the “no apologizing thing”.

12. They can hold grudges longer than your mother has been alive

They may say they forgive you, but they will always remember that one time that you told them they were wrong. Featured photo credit: Stubborn/ Ann and Heidi via flickr.com