Getting to know yourself and why you do the things you do will help, tremendously, and an insight into your own actions can help you make necessary changes as well.What other simple changes can you make to experience a happier life; would you believe me if I told you this was even possible? Well there are changes you can make and I’m about to share them with you right now.

Here are 10 Things People Do Differently To Make Their Life Happier:

1. They live by their own rules

Its easy to follow along with what everybody else is doing – working a nine to five, following the latest fashion trends, keeping up with the neighbors, latest gadgets and so on. This can get to a point which can make you frustrated, lost and even not quite knowing why. The alternative is to realize your daily actions. Are you doing something because everyone else is doing it, or are you doing what you really want to do? Living by your own rules being consciously aware of your actions, doing the things in life not by any ones standards but your own.

2. They accept who they are

You’re not ‘perfect’ and you never will be. This is actually a good thing because all those little quirks and weird (but wonderful) ideas you have make you special, they make you, you. Your gifts and talents are unique and exclusive to you only, your job is figure them out and use them to your advantage.

3. They say goodbye to dream stealers

They are out there and probably closer than you think. In the form of your friends, family, teachers, spouses and society in general. These folk mean well but say the wrong thing most the time. It’s probably hard if loved ones try to sway you from what you want to do that doesn’t fit in with a conventional society, however your dreams are more important than what others have to say. Listening to someones ‘meaningful’ advice doesn’t have to mean you do what they say, especially when it comes to living the life of your dreams.

4. They are grateful for everything in life

I received an email from one of my readers who said she was not happy and couldn’t manifest all the things she had been trying to bring into her life. I told her, instead of trying to ‘manifest’  new things into her life, start to be grateful for all you have. So now you know my secret to happiness; simply, gratitude.

5. They take full responsibility everyday

This is an important principal, only when you take full responsibility for everything that happens in your life will your life then be transformed. If you blame other people, the weather, or circumstances you are not taking control of your own life. So you’re probably thinking what does it actually mean to take responsibility for your life? It means making choices based on your current situation and no matter what do not not blame anything outside yourself.

6. They follow their dreams while enjoying the present

Following your dreams is possible with a little planning and work put in. To do this you must know your values, strengths and passions. Every great leader knows who they are and what they believe in and stand for. You should too. This will not only leave you with the confidence in knowing who you are and what you will do in life, but you will be way happier guaranteed! While you follow your dreams, don’t forget to enjoy the journey and make your life enjoyable now. Spend time with people that matter and do things that you really want to do.

7. They read

Reading is a cool and mind bending experience, allowing you to either get lost in an adventure or learn about stuff other people don’t know about. Reading can serve as a getaway and develop your creativity and imagination. It can also improve self worth by learning an area where you struggle, so it’s a great self help tool making your life much happier. Reading provides you with endless possibilities and feelings of emotional learning and fun!

8. They accept other people as they come

You may be the kind of person who finds others annoying by the the things they say or do, they make your life a misery, and when you are around them you get frustrated. You can flip this around by accepting others as they come – their quirks, annoyances, character and who they are. When you do you will find you have mastered the control of your own emotions by staying relaxed when other people used to annoy you. The truth is they are not annoying you they are being themselves.

9. They learn to be optimistic

I believe optimism is the secret to happiness and health; many studies have shown this to also be the case. Having a positive outlook on life and in everything you do will sure to make your life happier too. When you expect bad things to happen, they will, and you will always find things to be unhappy about. Being optimistic is about seeing past your current situation and seeing a positive end result. Even when this may not happen, optimistic people take on the attitude of getting past obstacles by learning from lessons and mistakes, but seeing a clear positive end result.

10. They know happiness is a choice

Bottom line… Happiness is a choice, you create your own happiness by realizing that happiness comes from within yourself. Happiness is a mindset, the way you manage the outcome to a situation. There are things that can give you happiness momentarily, like, money, cars, clothes, a big house etc, but true lasting happiness stays with you forever when you find it. Put into practice even just some of these things people do differently to make their life happier and you will see a positive change. Remember: Featured photo credit: Beauty Winter Girl Blowing Snow in frosty winter Park. Outdoors. Flying Snowflakes. Sunny day. Backlit. Joyful Beauty young woman Having Fun in Winter Park. Defocused via