1.  Work on a side gig.

Your lunch break can be a great time to get a jump on work outside of…work.

2.  Read about your industry.

If you want to dominate your next meeting, use your lunch break to brush up on your field. You can read articles about new technology, industry leaders, or future projections. After lunch, when your boss needs ideas or suggestions, you’ll have something to reference.

3.  Brainstorm.

Do you have a mental block on your latest assignment? You should try brainstorming. Just take a few moments during your break to open your mind and write down every idea you have that’s related to your new project–no matter how implausible you think it is. A little brainstorming can lead you in amazing new directions

4.  Eat with coworkers.

It’s important to have good relationships with your coworkers, because they can make or break your work life. By bonding with your coworkers on a personal level you will feel more comfortable going to them for help or just a laugh, so grab a bite to eat and start bonding.

5.  Run errands.

If you need to pay bills, find a plumber, or get a quick hair cut, your lunch break is a great time to get that done. Plus, you free up some precious after work hours.

6.  Burn off some steam.

Go for a walk, a run, or maybe go to the gym if you have time. Using your break to workout can help you come back refreshed and energized.

7.  Make phone calls.

One of the most productive things you can do at lunch is to make phone calls because you don’t have to waste any time driving anywhere. So go ahead, call your Mom, call an old friend, your partner, or return that phone call you’ve been dreading.

8.  Make plans.

Do you feel like your life is out of control?  If so, you can use your lunch break to make plans for the rest of the week. For example, on Monday you could plan out your dinners for the week, on Tuesday you could plan your weekend activities, on Wednesday you could plan your finances for the next week, on Thursday plan your schedule for the upcoming week, and on Friday try and tie up loose ends and plan for upcoming birthdays and celebrations of the people in your life.

9.  Work on relationships.

If you want to feel more connected to your partner or children, take a few seconds out of you lunch break to send someone you care about a text, picture, or email.  It only takes a few seconds, but it can make you feel more connected to your loved ones.

10.  Social media time.

Spending a few minutes a day on social media can make you feel like you’re an active participant.  Try this: spend one minute on Facebook “liking” statuses, spend another minute on Twitter re-tweeting a couple tweets, then upload a picture to every social media account you have. Congrats! You’ve been on social media today.

11.  Fuel up.

Make sure you’re eating what you need to get through the afternoon.  If you need a quick burst of energy, eating fruit or drinking caffeine will get you through a couple hours, and if you’ve got a long day ahead, make sure you chow down on some protein.

12.  Rest.

We all need a break at work sometimes, and lunch time is the perfect time to relax. Plus, taking some time to clear your mind can make you more productive after lunch. Now, take a few seconds and think about what area of your life needs an increase of productivity. Then, find a quick activity that will impact that area of your life.  Stick to it, and you’ll be shocked at what your lunch break can do for your life.