Have you ever thought, “how do they do it?” How do they stay positive even when life seems impossible? People who are generally happy have a set of habits that they do daily that puts them in their happy place. These habits are not unusual or complex. In fact, they are simple and easy to do. The thing about happy people is that they do these things on a consistent basis. All it takes for other people to be more like happy people is to start mimicking their habits.

1. Choose to be happy.

The most important thing happy people do is choose to be happy. They do this by choosing positive thoughts and following through with positive action. Happy people know it is through control of their thoughts, emotions, and actions that will help keep them more happily situated.

2. Live in gratitude.

Happy people tend to be grateful for the life they have. They see most things as blessings and opportunities rather than a string of obstacles or disappointments. When confronted with a dilemma, a happy person will choose to see the silver lining and react in a way that brings about a more beneficial solution.

3. Say thank you.

Happy people say thank you a lot. They say thank you to their barista, the cab driver who dropped them off, and to the person who let them through on that busy intersection. For them, life offers many occasions to show their gratitude.

4. Give back.

Happy people live in a gracious state of being and pay it forward often. They do nice things for people naturally. There is no pretense or calculation, happy people just want to make other people happy. Happiness is infectious in their eyes.

5. Smile more.

Happy people tend to show off their pearly whites. They know that a person greeted with a smile often gets them a smile right back.

6. Give hugs.

Happy people are quick to hug and be affectionate with people. When they see their friends and loved ones, it’s normal for them to be free with their feelings. They are not shy in showing their affection when they have a surprise run-in with a good friend in the grocery store.

7. Get your groove on.

Happy people dance more often and at times more wildly than others. Happy people dance in their cars, tap their feet to the beat, and love a good happy-inducing playlist. Happy people have been known to shout out, “That’s my song!”

8. Be expressive.

Happy people use their arms and hands a lot. They pump their fists, give bear hugs, and in general are animated when they talk. Their happiness is felt deeply and containing that energy is not always so easy.

9. Be confident.

Happy people do what’s called “power poses.” These poses help their body relax, feel more confident, and of course make them even happier. Psychologist Amy Cuddy has studied these power poses and confirms that they have the ability to change hormone levels in the body to produce a more positive state of being. Learn more about power posing here.

10. Get physical.

Happy people move more often whether it’s hitting the dance floor or the gym floor. They like to get their endorphins flowing and enjoy an energized body.

11. Eat healthy foods.

Happy people tend to be more health conscious because they know that since you derive energy from food, its best to make good choices to get that quality rush. From moving more to eating better, happy people are generally healthier people.

12. Live your best life.

Finally, happy people want to live the best life they can. They know inherently that it’s a multifaceted approach. In order stay happy they need to think good thoughts, live in gratitude, move often, eat well, and make a conscious choice to be happy most of the time. Featured photo credit: K. Praslowicz via photopin