1. We only fight when its important

We don’t start fights without a good reason. We might argue over big issues, but we ignore everything else. We like to focus on our relationships and the things that can be tweaked or improved. Communication is important in any relationship, but low maintenance people with high standards generally argue only when absolutely necessary and tend to give their significant other a lot of space. That is truly a wonderful thing to have.

2. We appreciate when something comes from the heart

We don’t expect you to fetch the moon and stars for us. Having said this, we like it when people take our preferences into consideration. There should be some meaning behind whatever it is you do for us. If you take the time to see what we like, we promise we will appreciate every little effort you put into for us.

3. We want our relationships to be genuine

A relationship that is real will feel real. To us, truth and honesty are the best possible things to have in a relationship. This is why low maintenance but high standard people who are involved in relationships are so genuine and honest with not only themselves, but their partners as well. All of the qualities on this list, this one is my favorite.

4. We want people to be aware of our feelings without having to say anything

Sometimes two people in a relationship will understand each others feelings without having to say anything. This kind of relationship sets itself apart because there’s a sense of communication without actually having to communicate. Being aware of someone’s feelings is a wonderful and noble quality to have.

5. We want to go the extra mile to make the relationship unique

Contrary to “not trying in a relationship,” low maintenance people think that going out of the way for a relationship is what it’s all about. It makes a relationship more fulfilling and enriching. When you put in the extra effort to make a relationship feel unique, you wind up being closer to the other person than you could have ever previously imagined.

6. We don’t complain unless absolutely necessary

We aren’t critical but will voice our beliefs if we need to. This is actually something to be proud of, because while it’s easy to complain all the time, only doing it when it matters is extraordinary.

7. We give our best in a relationship and we expect it in return

Having high standards means we want to give our best in a relationship. But while we give our one hundred percent, we also expect you to do your part! Only then can the relationship be at its peak and thrive.

8. We love to fuel our passions

High standards people want to take on the world and act on their beliefs. In other words, we are dreamers. We want to fly as high as we possibly can in life. We want the impossible to be possible, and we like to push the limits each and every time we can.

9. We aren’t pushovers

Don’t think that you can tell us what to do. We like thinking for ourselves, and we prefer to keep it that way. Don’t ever tell us what to do, because you will it hear from us!

10. We are independent and like it that way

Our independence is one of our most prized possessions and we want you to respect us for that. Don’t make us dependent on anything! Let us do things for ourselves. If we need help, we will ask for it. Don’t cut in without us asking – we’d be furious!

11. We want you to respect us

Respect is important for us, especially in a lasting and loving relationship. Actually, having high standards for respect shouldn’t even need to be asked for – it’s simply common sense. Make sure you show us a whole lot of respect. Otherwise, we won’t be there for you for long! Our self-respect is equally important as yours in a relationship, and we make sure that point is stressed!

12. We love expressing ourselves and our identity

Expression is a beautiful thing. Do whatever it takes to express yourself, and we will do the same. Believe in yourself and who you are, and don’t be afraid to express it. We will love you all the more. It’s important to be yourself in front of us because we love people who are genuine and remain genuine to us!