The next time the “no-work bug” strikes, try these 12 ways of getting things done.

1. Rewrite or edit your to-do list.

When was the last time you took a long and hard look at your to-do list? It might be time for some much needed weeding! There might be items on your list that have already been completed and/or you don’t need to finish, and as such can be removed. Freshen and simplify your list to a bare minimum of tasks to be completed within the next day and week.

2. Take some much needed exercise.

People often put off exercise in lieu of doing work or just normal everyday activities. There’s no time like the present to give your body and mind a break. Go for a run, do some yoga, take a walk, do some stretches, get moving! Alternatively, if you’ve had your eye on a new coed sports team in your town, do some online research and sign up.

3. Choose a juicy or satisfying reward for your work.

Make plans to reward yourself when you complete a landmark or special project at work. This could be as simple as spending some time pinning images of your dream wedding on Pinterest, taking a good soak in the tub, buying yourself and a friend tickets for that new movie you’ve been meaning to see, or booking a special romantic dinner for you and your loved one at a fancy restaurant.

4. Backup your computer or website files.

It’s always a good idea to have backups of all your files in case of an emergency or if your system(s) unexpectedly crash. You might even consider entering in regular backup sessions into your computer so you won’t forget about backing up data ever again.

5. Organize your workspace.

Take a moment to declutter and clean up your desk area. File away those file folders that are laying around your desk, recycle papers you no longer need, delete old emails, organize your office supplies, clean out your office cabinet and so on.

6. Listen to uplifting music.

Unplug yourself from a frantic day and plug into some soothing tunes. Try classical, jazz, or instrumental music to refresh and raise your spirits. Close your eyes, relax and really listen to the music.

7. Call a friend.

You’ve been meaning to call one of your friends for a long time, why not take moment to reconnect? Pick up the phone, log on to Skype or Google Hangouts to find out what they’ve been up to and fill them in on what you’ve been working on as well.

8. Prepare dinner ideas for this week.

Ah, another day, another dinner! Grab a notepad and pen and start jotting down ideas for this week’s dinners. You’ll have one less thing to worry about, plus you can easily create a list of items you’ll need to pick up from the grocery store.

9. Make sure your smartphone apps and computer software are up to date.

If you don’t already have automatic updates installed, set your apps and software to automatically update themselves. If apps or software have to be reinstalled or updated manually, take a minute to do so.

10. Remove 10 items from your closet.

You don’t have to pull 10 items per se, but choose a small number and stick to it. Look for clothes you haven’t worn in years, as well as clothes that no longer fit or are permanently soiled, stained or damaged.

11. Brainstorm ideas for a new or current project.

Jot down, draw, or record ideas you have for a current or new project. Don’t worry about organizing or ranking your ideas, just let your thoughts flow.

12. Confirm appointments for later in the week.

Check your calendar and either call, email or text to confirm your appointments and meetings. Your contacts will thank you (maybe they need to reschedule a meeting?) and your schedule will be up to date. Are you taking a break from work today? How are you going to be productive? Leave a comment below.