1. They can express themselves with a good cry

Their hurt and disappointment are not expressed in words but in a good cry. They may be more human than others when it comes to heartbreak or grief.

2. They are deeply connected with the arts

They see art from a deep and touching perspective. Whether in a song, a movie, or a book, they can relate with the depth of emotion and react accordingly. They tend to view life from a multidimensional angle and art can be another medium which connects them to the beauty and intrigues of the world.

3. They want to share a piece of themselves

Because they are sensitive to the existence of the world around them, they love to share their own interpretations of events through their chosen medium. This could be through photography, paintings, music, or writing.

4. They hate to see the hate in the world

They detest violence. They simply can’t stand to see this horrifying part of life. They aren’t just in tune with terror, they feel deeply that it isn’t right. This doesn’t mean that they ignore current events, but they can only take so much at a time.

5. They are deeply connected to their environment

They are aware of their environment and see things beyond face value. They have a very active intuition and sense things before they happen.

6. They can relate to what others are going through

They have an empathetic feeling towards others. They have a deep understanding of what someone else is going through as if it were happening to them.

7. They are comfortable with being alone

They appreciate solitude and need this time to deeply reflect upon their feelings and any actions they are about to take. This may make them appear to be closed off at times, but it is time they need to sort through their emotions.

8. They don’t want to hurt others

They are very mindful of the things they say or do to others. This often translates into a desire to make life easier for others — they don’t mind standing up so that a pregnant lady can take a seat on the bus.

9. They can get the best out of others

Because they want to help others and want the best for them, they can work in team settings and provide a solid platform for every other person to excel.

10. They are deep thinkers

They are thinking about so much all at once. They keep their minds engaged and active. They focus on the details in order to find a solution or a way out of problems.

11. They dread disputes

They don’t want to be on wrong end of things. Neither do they want to be the target of spite. They seriously want to avoid arguments or situations that put their nerves on edge.

12. They don’t want to be hurt

This characteristic may cause them to avoid closeness with some people. They feel that by getting close to certain people, their vulnerabilities will be exposed.

13. They are moved to help others

They are drawn to helping the weak and vulnerable. They know that life can be unfair, but they want to do what they can to balance that out. That is why they are willing to defend and support those who are suffering. Featured photo credit: http://www.imcreator.com via imcreator.com