The reality is that you can be anyone or do anything you desire.  You already have all of the tools; you just need to dust off the toolbox and get to work. That’s what this article is going to do.  It’s going to give you a blueprint for making the changes you’ve always dreamed of. There is a concept discussed in Buddhist practices that you may or may not be familiar with called impermanence.  It’s actually a huge, enormous, life-changing concept, and if you can grasp it, you will be well on your way to completing your blueprint for a new life. There are major changes that we clearly see: we were once young, and now we are old, and one day we will die.  These gross changes are apparent and certain.  But in order for these gross changes to occur there are also tiny, subtle changes that are taking place within all animals, people and things all the time. We often overlook the subtle changes and focus only on the gross changes.  But the answer to creating a brand new life lies in these subtle changes and the recognition that in every moment there is a constant flux of change happening. A common visual used to show subtle impermanence: a seed is planted, this seed creates a seedling, which goes on to create a tree.  Now that we have a tree the seed or the seedling no longer exists, even though they produced the tree.  Finally, the fruit that the tree produced is also not the tree, though it was produced by the tree.  In order for the seed to produce the fruit, it went though endless subtle changes. Our cells are dying and being reborn.  With each moment that passes, we are an empty canvas and we can paint a new picture; each moment leads to the next with renewed possibilities.  We are the artists of our painting, and we have a choice how the subtle brush strokes shape and form the ending masterpiece.

Contemplate These Questions:

1.  What do you want out of life? 2.  What do you want to change about your life or yourself? 3.  What is holding you back?  Money, fear, creativity or relationships? 4.  Are you making fear-based decisions?  Do you base your decisions around what you love, or do you base your decisions around what you are afraid of losing? 5.  What’s the worst and best that can happen with any change you may or may not make? Record your thoughts.  Focus on deep and meaningful contemplation rather than a shallow field of answers.  Everyone’s painting will look different, but let’s all start by writing down our intentions.  After you have a clear intention, we can begin to apply some of the tips below for turning your dreams into reality.

1. Throw Away Your Preconceived Notions

Have you always told yourself that you’re lacking in creativity or originality?  Do you tell yourself you’re not good, smart or funny enough?  Stop these thoughts; this is your mind repeating the same old story, and it is deluding your true capabilities with self doubt.  Every moment is fresh.  You are a blank canvas, so imagine yourself as such and allow yourself the chance to create a new story. Tap in and experience your truest form: you are rich, alive and buzzing.  Nothing will change that.

2.  Realize Your Potential

Everyone has limitless potential, and so do you.  Sometimes your life may go through dark and overcast periods, but underneath the clouds is always a blue sky.  Focus on the blue sky; don’t identify with your true nature as being the clouds. Do you think Beethoven set out to be one of the greatest composers of all time?  Follow your passions, and you might discover huge success.

3.  Start With Change Every Day

The only way to make change happen is to implement it daily.  We can’t every have immediate results, and this applies to everything.  If your goal is to be physically fit, write a book, change careers or simply to just be happier, all of these desires start with today.  Today you have to make small changes that inch you forward in the right direction. One day you will wake up, and you will be living the life you want.  It’s that simple.

4.  Change Your Routine

Sometimes we get stuck in a rut: working 9 to 5, eating at the same restaurants, or even watching the same TV programs.  Change your routine.  Even the smallest change can make you feel excited about life again.  Maybe you don’t even need a major life overhaul; maybe you just need a few small tweaks.

5.  Nourish Your Mind, Body and Soul

Consider the following habits and lifestyle changes that will not only change your life, but also support any other goal you want to accomplish.

Healthy eating Daily exercise Daily meditation Daily affirmations

6.  Live in The Moment and Practice Mindfulness

No matter what changes you would like to make in your life, none of them matter if you don’t practice mindfulness.  It’s easy to tick items off the bucket list, but as we do that we might not feel any happier or satisfied. By bringing a moment to moment awareness to all tasks, even the mundane, we can truly appreciate, savour and live life.

7. Change Your Attitude

Be positive. No matter what you have, where you live or who you’re with, your attitude around your circumstances are more important than the circumstances themselves. There are people who have practically nothing in this world – less money, less comfort, less resources and opportunities – and yet they are happier.  Similarly, there are people who are rich and have enormous comforts, but they feel miserable. Often times we have everything we need or could possibly want right in front of us.  Being grateful turns what we have into enough and more.

8. Take Off The Mask: Find Your Tribe

Stop pretending to be something you are not.  Do you ever feel like life is a masquerade ball?  That everyone, including yourself, seems to be putting on a show, pretending to be perfect or to have perfect lives? Take off the mask.  If people don’t like that, then find new people to spend time with.  It’s cliché, but be yourself; you can’t make any real meaningful changes until you do.

9.  Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Don’t be afraid to try something new.  Talk to new people, take up a new hobby or simply read something out of the ordinary.  You never know what changes could occur just by making a new friend.  Doors of possibility swing open with every hello.

10.  Be Inspired

It’s easy to fall into an uninspired rut and go through dry patches where everything feels utterly mundane.  Rediscover your passions, whether it’s a good book, brilliant music or watching a powerful film. Finding something you are passionate about will motivate you to make changes.

11.  Connect With Your Loved Ones

Everything is better when we have meaningful relationships.  Reconnect with those who mean the most to you: friends, siblings, parents, coworkers, kids and partners.  Having a strong network of support will help you along your journey.

12.  Get Out in Nature

If getting out in nature every day isn’t realistic, then you should aim to do this at least once per week.  Connecting with nature is the best way to ground yourself, release stress and quiet the mind.  By connecting with nature and getting quiet, you allow peace and stillness in so that you can connect with your true self.  You can learn a lot about what changes will truly make you happy.

13.  Give up Booze and Cigarettes

When you lose the suffocating grip that alcohol and cigarettes can have over your life, many facets of your life can improve.  This in itself is a great first step to changing your life.  You will exercise more, your looks improve, weekends feel longer, you will develop new hobbies, likely make new friends, have more patience and find out who you really are.  It’s like a fog is lifted from your life.

14.  Rid Your Life of Excess

Rid your life of everything you don’t need so you can make room for what you do need. The accumulation of stuff is like an anchor; it ties us down. We are always terrified of losing all of our stuff.  Let it go, and you will free yourself from greed, debt, and the feeling of constantly being overworked.

15.  Stay Motivated and Hold Yourself Accountable

Tell someone the changes you plan to make who will check in with you and hold you accountable.  If you have to answer to someone. it will keep you working towards it. The potential to make great changes lies in all of us.  We just need to define it, work towards it and believe it.