1. Make sure you’re exposed to that fresh air. The stuffy surroundings of an office could make the cheeriest go-getter wilt and grumble.
  2. Meditate for a few minutes every day, whether you enjoy twisting yourself into prestles during yoga or kneeling in a pew. Either way, you’re sure to clear your mind and gain some precious perspective.
  3. Open your promotional emails. Everyday. We know you don’t want to open another Groupon ad. None of us do. But keep on top of them and one day, there might actually be no unread messages in your inbox (we can dare to dream).
  4. Tell a secret. A secret a day could keep your doctors away (or at least your therapists). Don’t keep it bottled up; keep your friends close and release the inner demons. You’ll feel ten times lighter.
  5. Make lists. There’s nothing more satisfying that ticking that last item on a list. Get things done, be productive and appreciate the written proof that you are amazing.