1. Choose your toothpaste carefully

Some toothpaste contains an ingredient called sodium lauryl sulphate, which may cause your mouth to become irritated and therefore more vulnerable to ulcers. Check the label in the store and bear in mind that brands labeled as “organic” or “natural” are often less likely to include sodium lauryl sulphate than the most popular versions. You can also try swapping hard or “firm” bristle toothbrushes for softer models which are less likely to irritate your gums and the lining of your mouth.

2. Watch what you eat

Some foods are highly irritating to the delicate tissue that lines the mouth, and should definitely be avoided if you have already developed an ulcer. Fruits with a high acid content such as pineapple and grapefruit increase your risk of mouth ulcers, whereas abrasive and spicy foods including chips and curries will cause you additional pain. Choose soft, bland foods when possible if you are waiting for an ulcer to heal. Some people notice that wheat flour seems to act as an ulcer trigger, so consider cutting wheat from your diet for a few weeks if you notice that you often get mouth ulcers.

3. Check your vitamin intake

There is link between mouth ulcers and deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals. Specifically, people who fail to consume adequate amounts of Vitamin B-12, zinc, folate, and iron appear to be at risk of developing mouth ulcers. This is because we need a range of nutrients on a regular basis in order to ensure that our immune systems function as they should. When you skimp on high-quality food in favor of convenient takeaways or ready-meals, you run the risk of developing a nutritional deficiency that can have numerous knock-on effects when it comes to your health. Taking a high-quality multivitamin every day will help you keep your nutritional intake on track, but ideally you should be eating a balanced diet that features plenty of leafy green vegetables which are a key source of these nutrients. Try to include broccoli, kale, and spinach in your meal plan several times each week.

4. Make sure that you get enough sleep

In addition to a good diet, adequate sleep is one of the most important requirements for good health. Getting eight hours of sleep on a regular basis makes you feel good, while skipping sleep leaves you vulnerable to a range of conditions including mouth ulcers. This may be because sleep is vital for the maintenance of a healthy immune system. When we sleep, proteins in our bodies known as “immune modulators” are replenished. These proteins play a key role in helping the body to fight infection and remain in good health. Without an adequate amount of sleep, levels of these proteins drop which causes an increase in the risk of illness and infection.

If self-care measures do not seem to be working, seek medical help.

Remember that whilst most mouth ulcers heal within a couple of weeks, occasionally they can become infected and may require treatment with antibiotics. For this reason you should consult a medical professional if symptoms persist. Recurring mouth ulcers may be a sign of an underlying health problem, so if you find yourself regularly battling this condition, it’s a good idea to visit your physician for a checkup. Featured photo credit: Madebyoliver via flaticon.com