Here are a few fun New Years resolutions that won’t be too hard to keep and will improve your life:

1. Try an Exotic New Sport

If your goal is to get more active, it’s a lot easier if your New Year’s resolution is to try a really fun, new sport. Trying something new and exotic will pique your curiosity and interest, which helps you stick to playing the sport and keeping your resolution. Here are some exciting exotic sports that should keep you thrilled and playing regularly:


Freerunning, which is officially known as Parkour, is one of the most epic activities you can commit to. Remember TV superheroes, like Daredevil and the Green Arrow? Their stunts are the epitome of this sport! This sport is the extreme version of obstacle course racing – almost all the obstacle courses are buildings! You’re daringly vaulting across building ledges to nearby ledges or wall jumping onto a building’s metal grill, which you climb up only to leap off of to latch onto another building’s fixture. It’s really an official sport – with many universities having Parkour clubs and organizations, like Champlain’s Parkour Club, UGA’s Parkour, and UConn’s Husky Pack Parkour.

3D Dodgeball

This is regular dodgeball, except you’re playing in an arena where the floor and walls are a series of trampolines! This allows both you and your opponents to pull off cinema-like jukes and plays as you strategically throw yourself into a wall trampoline to both dodge an incoming ball and launch yourself towards your opponent for your own attack!

Salsa dancing

Salsa dancing is fun and is pretty much like going clubbing for your workout. You’ll meet new people and literally have fun dancing with them. It’s not just dancing – according to the University of Florida, it’s a vigorous cardio exercise that makes you burn up to 420 calories in just 60 minutes! If your New Year’s resolution is sticking to one of these action-packed sports, you’ll enjoy your resolution instead of treating it like a chore.

2. Get a New Look by Growing a Stylish Beard

Do you want to look different in 2017 than you did in 2016? Growing facial hair makes a big difference. Experts say the kind of facial hair you have can drastically change how people perceive your intellect, attraction, and dominance: If you have a full beard, most females told researchers they thought it looked most aggressive and masculine. But they also said they thought it looked more socially mature and intelligent. The downside is they said bearers of full beards look older – but maybe that’s what you want to go for in 2017! If you have a light beard, you’ll look more like a leader. Females told researchers that light beards looked most dominant. If you have a light stubble, you’re probably popular with women! Females told researchers that they preferred light stubbles for long- and short-term relationships and found them most attractive. There you have it – growing a new style of facial hair can instantly change your social status in 2017. If you’re eager to get your new beard, try natural ways to grow healthier facial hair, like upping your hair-nourishing B vitamin intake. Boosting your protein intake also helps, since your body needs mostly protein to grow hair, but choose clean vegetable protein sources, like tofu, nuts, and mushrooms, instead of cancer-causing red meats.

3. Be Healthier

Making a New Year’s resolution to be healthier for 2017 doesn’t have to mean more exercise and going vegan. There are easier ways to be healthier that make it easier to keep your resolution. Taking daily supplements is one very easy way to be healthier. All you do is take one or more capsules once a day – it only takes seconds of your time, but gives your health an enormous boost! Here are some you can choose from:

Branched-chain amino acid supplements (BCAAs)

Your body needs branched-chain amino acids everyday for its daily processes. You get them naturally from foods, but researchers found that supplementing with concentrated BCAAs prevents muscle damage and muscle loss during intense exercise. They also boost your immunity, especially if you’re recovering from surgery. They’ll also help you fight addiction urges – alcohol detox centers often include BCAAs in their patients’ treatment regimens because they’ve been found to help with recovery.

Two Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts aren’t supplements, but eating two daily has been found to boost your body’s selenium levels more effectively than selenium supplements. Selenium is rare in foods, but is important for your immune system. Selenium also fights harmful free radicals and neutralizes mercury you ingest from seafood. Eating nuts isn’t that big of a leap from taking supplements – instead of popping a pill, chew on two Brazil nuts. Unlike selenium supplements, brazil nuts are also rich in essential fatty acids and protein.

4. Get Rid of Expensive Cable

If you’re still subscribing to cable or satellite television, you might want to consider stopping. The internet is swallowing up everything – it’s just part of modernization. People are moving from landlines to cellphones and VOIP services for their telecommunications needs. The same is true for television services — People are streaming more and watching regular cable TV less. Cable and satellite TV plans are costly compared to $9 per month for Netflix or Hulu, which now regularly streams currently airing shows – so it’s almost like watching live television, but without commercials!

Netflix Alternatives


Streaming is also more versatile than cable or satellite because you can watch what you want when you want to without having to schedule recordings or prerecord anything. You can also take your subscription with you! You can bring your tablet or portable streaming device with you on vacation and hook it up to any TV and start streaming like you’re at home. You’ll also get more for your buck. Streaming subscriptions usually have a bigger selection of movies and shows than cable or satellite – Netflix has shows dating back from the 1940s and older! Of course, it all depends on your internet capabilities. Streaming is cheap because it uses your internet as the provider, unlike cable and satellite. If your geographical area or personal situation doesn’t allow for fast internet, then streaming might not be right for you. Experts say the key to keeping your New Year’s resolution is choosing an easier one. Try these fun, healthy resolutions and you’ll have a better chance of staying true to your 2017 resolution! Featured photo credit: rory3822 via