1. Calling up an old friend. You know you’ve been meaning to, and they’d love to hear from you.
  2. Finally going for that run you’ve been promising yourself. It’s going to feel so good afterward, even if the process is a little painful.
  3. Hand-writing a note to someone you love. Snail mail is a dying art, and they’ll love receiving it!
  4. Making cookies from ingredients you already have in the pantry. It’s fun to get creative. Why not throw a few extra spices in there?
  5. Finally hanging up those pictures in your house. It always makes me happy to cross something off the “to do” list.
  6. Reading a good book. Because life’s too short not to.
  7. Hugging your kids. They won’t be kids forever, and once they turn into teenagers, they might not be the hugging type.
  8. Finding a pen in the house that actually works well. And perhaps throwing out the ones that don’t.
  9. Taking your dog on a walk. They deserve your love and attention and will be exhausted afterward!
  10. Helping someone less fortunate than you. We’re so much luckier than we realize.
  11. Allowing yourself to browse Pinterest for an hour. Yes that’s right—guilt free.
  12. Organizing your desk so it looks beautiful again. It’s so much easier to work and pay the bills when everything is neat.
  13. Watching a funny movie that you’ve seen a million times. Laughter is good for the soul.
  14. Wishing your friends Happy Birthday on Facebook. Because it makes them feel special.
  15. Doing a cartwheel. Because it reminds you of your younger days.
  16. Daydreaming about vacations you want to take someday. Having goals makes working hard worthwhile.
  17. Taking the day off from work. You’ve earned it.
  18. Taking a walk in the park. Try to notice the beauty around you.
  19. Going for a long drive with the one you love. It’s nice just to get out of the house!
  20. Looking at old pictures from when you were a kid. Remember when life was simpler?
  21. Seeing a rainbow. It’s such a fun and unique treat.
  22. Taking your time when making dinner. We’re always so rushed.
  23. Sending your mom a text that says, “I love you.” She’ll love the unexpected gesture.
  24. Throwing a baseball with your kids. They’ll remember it forever.
  25. Taking a hot bubble bath. Because you work too hard not to.
  26. Telling one other person of your big goal. We need accountability in order to make our dreams come true.
  27. Kissing your significant other. Does this really need an explanation?
  28. Spending an hour painting your nails. Because you’ll feel so beautiful when they’re all done!
  29. Eating lunch outside on the porch. It’s more enjoyable than sitting at the kitchen table.
  30. Getting rid of clutter that’s weighing you down. Take it further and donate it to a good cause.
  31. Doing 5 real pushups. Because you totally know you can.
  32. Playing dress up with your daughter. It’s fun to be a princess for an hour.
  33. Walk around the mall. Not to shop—just to get out the house and check out new trends.
  34. Watching your wedding video. Because it’s beautiful to remember how your story started.
  35. Fill up a few water balloons. And throw them at your kids when they’re not looking.
  36. Jump rope. Because you haven’t done it since grade school, and it’s awesome exercise.
  37. Take a nap. Even if it’s just for 30 minutes.
  38. Pick flowers from the yard. They are just as beautiful as expensive creations from the florist.
  39. Recycle. It’s a gift to the Earth and will make you feel good too.
  40. Dress up and take silly pictures with your friends. Why not?
  41. Eat a piece of your favorite candy without counting the calories. It can’t be that bad, right?
  42. Write down what you’re grateful for. After all, you’ve been granted another day to live. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to get out there and start smiling. Now that you know it’s free, nothing should hold you back.