For some reason, the standard of work quality and results have dropped drastically worldwide:  few of us are giving our best at the things that are so fundamentally important in life. Why have we become so lazy? I’d really love to know the answer to this—it seems as though the only people who are giving their best and working truly hard are those developers of products and apps that are destined to make us lazier.

Completion has become more important than quality.

Really think about this: most of us would rather get over with something as fast as possible instead of giving it our best. It’s no longer a battle between quality over quantity, it’s now about quality VS time of completion, so instead of investing time into doing something as best as we can, we choose to take the easy route. Our minds have been brainwashed into thinking that we shouldn’t exhaust ourselves with too much hard work, and yet countless people put off their goals by saying they don’t have time for them, yet they spend hours in front of the TV, wasting precious time. What the hell are we doing? You only get one life to live, and if you continue wasting it on making others rich and yourself sick, it would be a complete waste. You are never too old to establish a dream for yourself , so put your priorities in order and make time for the important things.

Do You Think That You’re Perfect?

There’s another issue which is extremely frustrating and such a major setback in productivity, and that’s letting your ego convince you that you have the answer to every question. Many people are so caught up by this deadly mindset and ego that they refuse to accept knowledge from others and expand their own knowledge base. Don’t be that person! If anything, be the person who is extremely open-minded and actually takes other people’s opinions into consideration before passing judgement on something you may not be as knowledgeable about as you believe. It’s okay to accept advice from others; in fact, it’s one of the best ways to learn and improve yourself Aside from the knowledge aspect, it’s very difficult being around someone who acts high and mighty when you’re honestly trying to be sincere by offering worthy advice and opinions. Don’t isolate yourself with such a bad mindset—be open-minded, accepting, and appreciative of the knowledge you pick up from others.

Unwillingness to Share Your Winnings.

A lesson to be learnt from a few online entrepreneurs is the courage and sincerity to share successful strategies with others. Somewhere along the way, we’ve become selfish:  on the surface we may seem fine, but inside our hearts we have jealousy and greed to hog all the rewards. Be a kind person: Be someone who cares enough to share a winning strategy. That is a person capable of greatness and others appreciate such people; I know I do. The moment you let go of the vices that hold back the humanitarian within is when you have reached a state of greatness. Sharing is caring: Live with that philosophy and your life will be showered with rewards. If that isn’t convincing enough, think about how spiritually uplifting such graciousness can be.  Meaningless Sex and Toying with Emotions Random and meaningless sex has impacted marriage and commitment greatly. Many people don’t appreciate the values and morals behind commitment anymore, as we have been brainwashed into believing that the random hookups that occur in movies and stuff will lead to an intensely amazing love story—boy have we been fooled! Instead, we have an increasing divorce rate and STD transmissions. Why? Because the mindset of being old-fashioned is seen as a bad thing, but if we continued to hold onto the beliefs from 30+ years ago, things wouldn’t be so bad. It’s possible that love would be better than depicted in the movies, commitment would actually mean something, and the concept of marriage would truly be valued and respected. Be sincere and respect that if someone grants you the amazing privilege of having their trust and love, treat it like you would want yours to be treated. Treat others the way you would want to be treated.

Believing that Your Job is Your Best and Most Stable Source of Income. 

I understand how difficult it is to get a job: employers want people with experience, but how do you get experience if no one will give you a chance? The instant you do bag a job, it can be pretty easy to make that one job your sole means of income. Depending on the income from a single job is realistic and normal, but the problem is that one source of income doesn’t seem so safe, especially with the way recession comes and goes. My grandfather, my father, and my uncle all had the mindset of doing as many things as possible to make a living, which is why my father has built a house without using credit, bought his car without credit, and why everything belongs to us rather than to creditors. Going this route isn’t easy, but it’s not impossible. The right amount of work, proper planning, prioritizing, and a bit of legal can help you on your way to earning more than you ever could from just that one job.

Are You Ready To Change The Way You Think?

Are you ready to put aside your issues and work on changing the way you think? Change is difficult, but it’s likely to save your life. That may sound like a very bold statement, but ask people who have battled with a drug addiction, unhealthy eating, or bad financial management and find out exactly how a change in their mindset saved their lives. It’s a day by day job to change; results may happen after a long period but when it does, it will change your life for the better.