But what really matters is that the morning is the most important part of our overall day. We discussed this in one of our previous articles here. With the right morning routine, you can help promote everything from your mood to your metabolism (which helps with weight loss). When you start your morning off right, not only will you be able to lose weight, you will also be glowing with natural energy. You will also be motivated and prepared to conquer any obstacles that you face throughout the day. So how can you start your morning off right?

1. Get Some Sun

According to one study, obtaining sunlight is one of our main sources of vitamin D. Vitamin D helps with emotional stability, organ function, and the warmth of its rays lifts our spirits. But how does it help us with weight loss? Well, if you alter your morning schedule to soak up some of those morning rays, you will start to feel more energized, motivated, and healthier (thanks to the vitamin D and hormonal changes from sun exposure). This, in turn, can give you the energy you need to stick to your health goals, go to the gym, or perhaps cook a healthy meal. It’s a lot easier to stick to a weight-loss product (or any health goal) when you feel motivated and energized. If you consistently get out in the morning for sun exposure, you’ll also establish an early morning routine. Once you have a routine established, it becomes a lot easier to wake up in the morning. The point is, people who wake up and eat breakfast early in the morning kick-start their metabolism. The morning sun also contains higher levels of blue light, which helps normalize your internal circadian rhythm. When your circadian rhythm is working as it should, you sleep a lot better, and have more energy throughout the day. I think everyone could use that. We need sleep to keep our organs, metabolism, and other important bodily functions running properly. And guess what? You only need 20-30 minutes of sun exposure in the morning. If you combine it with other activities, you can easily fit it into your busy morning schedule. Coffee in the sun, anyone?

2. High Protein Intake

If you are someone who usually just drinks coffee for breakfast, or even skips breakfast altogether, you are missing out on a massive opportunity to refuel your body with what it needs, and to enable you to hold off your hunger long enough to make smart decisions for lunch. A high protein intake has been shown to build muscle and keep you fuller longer. Your body goes through a fast every night when you sleep. Keeping your body full with protein can help with your blood sugar. Your overall caloric intake is going to drop as well because you won’t feel the need to snack throughout the morning. Some people like different types of proteins; my favorite is a great vegan protein powder after a nice workout! With a full belly, you’ll be more willing to make health-conscious decisions for lunch because your stomach is not screaming for food all through the morning.

3. Spoil Yourself

If you are that person that knows that they will want to have a slice of pizza during the day, or will eventually want a piece of cake, treat yourself early. This gives your body ample amount of time during the day to work through it, process it, digest it, and utilize it instead of it sitting in your stomach overnight or after you decide to hit the couch for the evening – therefore allowing it to turn to fat instead. If you want to indulge, do it early while you still have an entire day to burn calories. While it isn’t the best scenario for weight loss, “cheating” with treats early helps your body to not store it as fat so quickly. It gives your body a fighting chance to burn through some of the excess energy before you lay your head down that night.

4. Cold Showers

I know, I know. Cold showers are downright miserable. Everyone loves a good hot shower in the morning to slowly wake themselves up. But the truth is, studies have shown that taking a cold shower in the morning can help boost your energy levels, your metabolism, and regulate your hormones! Also, when your body gets cold, you are burning a substantial amount of calories in order for your body to continue to keep you warm, and all of your internal faculties jump on board in order to keep your body healthy. With cold showers, your metabolism will be kicked into high gear. Cold showers are also a wonderful way to prepare your body for a large breakfast, which will regulate your blood sugar levels and keep your cravings at bay throughout the morning. It is recommended, however, that you start the first couple of minutes of your shower at your favorite temperature and slowly make it colder. Then you can stay in that cold water for three to four minutes for the maximum benefit.

5. Crunch! – Chew Your Food

Fill not just your morning, but your day, with foods that take more time to eat. When you eat whole foods that contain more fiber, it takes considerably more effort to chew them. In doing so, you’re working your jaw more than you usually do, which burns 5% more calories throughout the day than you normally would. Whole foods like carrots, apples, and brown rice have a plethora of fiber, which will keep your bowels healthy and help you feel fuller longer. Eating fiber-rich foods will help you reduce your overall caloric intake while creating a slight uptick in how many calories you actually burn throughout your day. This approach might not be enough to shed those 20 pounds you’re trying to lose, but every little bit counts! What’s even more important is, eating whole foods improves your overall diet. It will give your body the nutrients it needs to thrive. And once you get the hang of eating whole foods on a regular basis, and other foods which are allowed under an hcg diet program, your self-confidence will surge and help you to believe in yourself more than you normally would. When it comes to weight-loss, self-confidence goes quite a long way. (Always buy approved weight loss products). Being able to implement some of these strategies, just in the morning, will help you to wake up with a smaller waistline day after day after day. Sure, it’s not a sexy or fast weight loss method. But it’s sustainable if you stick to it—which is a lot more effective than losing weight fast only to quickly gain it back. Give these morning habits a try for 30 days and it will help promote weight loss, regulate your mood, balance your emotions, and aid in your overall outlook for your day. But remember, these are just tips and tricks. Everyone works differently, so feel free to adapt or change them to fit your needs. Don’t think you must implement all of them at once. It is important, however, to stick to a tip when you try it, because you typically won’t see results right away. Give each habit tip a chance (at least 3-4 weeks) to see what wonders it can do for your life. These morning habits can help you get back on track and promote a healthy lifestyle that is beyond counting calories. Give them a try today!

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