Okay, back to Tom. As I listened to the stories Tom was telling me, some of which I know I couldn’t do, I couldn’t help but think, ‘man, this is one bad ass dude’. You’d never know it when you meet him, but trust me, he is. As recalled the lessons he had learned, this is what he taught me.

Be Prepared

Tom recounted some of the training he went through and it’s no secret how hard these men and women train, especially at the elite levels of the military. What did make me stop and think is that it’s way more than just the physical training but the mental training. Do you take the time to mentally prepare for what you are about to face each day or do you head into battle without a plan? Knowing what I’ve seen throughout my career, many just go with the flow and end up getting wrapped up in the riptides of life. Set yourself up for success and prepare yourself, every day.


Tom’s life was, literally, in the hands of his brothers as were theirs in his. He explained how deep the level of trust went within the team and part of their preparation was to trust each as though their lives depended on it, because it usually did. Do you trust your preparation and the plans you make or do you doubt yourself and your team? If you have thought through your plan and taken every precaution to ensure your success, you need to trust and go for it. I’ve seen far too many people get caught up in self-doubt and stop executing on a successful plan. I’m talking about myself here as well. Trust in what you’re training and preparation.

Don’t Quit

We’ve all hear that you should not quit, but we also know this is easier said than done. Through his training and missions, Tom found out that he had a greater resolve than he thought possible. There were times when he wanted to quit but at first his team wouldn’t let him, then he learned to not allow himself to quit. Over time, a sense of responsibility was instilled in him which would never allow him to quit. Do you stick with your goals and see them through or do you stop and start and never finish what you started. You owe it to yourself to NEVER GIVE UP – as Winston Churchill said.

Create a Sense of Responsibility

Tom quickly knew and felt a sense of responsibility to his team. He knew that they were only as strong as the weakest link. Because he also knew that the weakest link could mean the difference between life and death, he took his responsibility seriously. He wasn’t about to quit and more than that, he was going to do whatever it took to ensure the success of the team so they all came back alive. Thankfully, many of you won’t have to risk your lives, but you will be responsible for the livelihood of others, whether they are your family or you employees and coworkers. Does this sense of responsibility burn inside you to the point where come hell or high water, you too will do whatever it takes?

Take Action

Finally, Tom shared; you just have to take action. Much of the time fear surrounded him. However, he knew if he didn’t take the necessary action he, or his team, may be killed. Are you sitting on the sidelines waiting to make a decision or are you taking the necessary action to do the thing you need and were meant to do? If you are doubting yourself, don’t. If you are doing something of significance you will have fear. The difference between those that think of doing something great and those that do something great is the action they take. So get out there and take action. YOU ARE WORTH IT! Featured photo credit: Elliott Plack via flickr.com