Follow these steps to effectively engage your audience on social media.

1. Make Social Media A Habit

Don’t just randomly go through the motions of retweeting people’s tweets or liking someone’s Facebook status. Set some time aside every day to go on your social media and interact with your followers. This could mean asking your followers an intriguing question, giving a very specific article, or adding insightful text when retweeting one of your follower’s posts. You can designate the same time every day (like 6 pm) to go on your social media. Or you can simply set aside an hour per day and complete whenever you have the time to that day. Do what works best for you, but make a consistent effort. This will boost followers while keeping your existing followers.

 2. Promote Yourself

Yes, we live in a competitive world. What it means is that you need to get creative when promoting yourself on social media. To do so, make sure you analyze how your competitor(s) are promoting themselves in order to understand what you need to do to stand out. How do you analyze them? It is not rocket science. You make it a point to check out what they are tweeting, what Facebook statuses they are posting—in essence, how they are presenting their product. You may find they use certain dimensions for their images or introduce new blog posts once a week. Then you decide if you want to perfect what they’re doing—(maybe you can create more vibrant images on photoshop)—or doing something different altogether like tweeting daily inspirational, niche-related quotes. In terms of self-promotion, you can also make use of many platforms other than Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.  Quora and Reddit have groups you can be a part of to show off your expertise and promote your product.

3. Communicate Your Ideas Through Your Words

Social media, for the most part, is a text-based medium. When you need to communicate ideas about your product or add to your followers’ ideas you need to be able to communicate clearly and in a straight forward manner. You can do this by: Improve you writing – good writing makes your business look more credible. On the other hand, one single mistake can turn off followers—if you can’t spend the time and effort to edit your statuses, how do we know if you spend the time and effort into your product? In your writing, make sure you use simple and specific words— the clearer the message the better chance you have of hooking your followers. Only if you are in a narrow niche community or group can you use jargon. Overall it’s  not recommended. You can use it occasionally to demonstrate your expertise; otherwise, avoid it. Keep your tone conversational and upbeat– people may get put off and less engaged with a professional tone, which may negatively affect your business.

To Sum It Up

So, you need to make social media a habit by scheduling it regularly, every day. Doing so will show you have an active presence on social media, ensuring you keep your followers and possibly getting more. Social media is a great avenue to promote yourself to your followers—(don’t bombard them!). You can make great use of this by analyzing your competitors and, from there, deciding what the best promotional strategy is for you. To sum this post up you need to know how to write well. Make sure you communicate your ideas clearly and avoid the jargon what platform you’re engaging in. Let me know if these tips helped you effectively engage your followers by leaving a comment in the comment section! Featured photo credit: naguakkina via