1. I don’t have enough capital

Many entrepreneurs start their journey to success even before they are ready to embrace the positive reactions they will receive. They know that what is important is taking action rather than sitting or waiting. A great idea and the right motivation push you to find and discover what will come out of your venture. You will never hear a successful entrepreneur say he doesn’t have the money to start out. Actually having enough capital sometimes could force you to be less creative and even nonchalant on what should be done right.

2. I have to wait until…

This sounds boring. Being a successful entrepreneur is not about waiting or taking chances. It is an independent task and along the lines you have to accept responsibility for your destination and take charge of the situation. Most times those excuses you make are just a reason not to fulfill what you really want to go after. Successful entrepreneurs don’t procrastinate. They go after what they want because they know there will never be a perfect time to start what they want and to pursue their dreams. They know that the perfect time to start is now.

3. What if I fail?

Well what if you fail? Staying and waiting in the comfort zone of mediocrity and security is not an exact fit for an entrepreneur! They know the importance of taking chances and pursuing goals. Actually there is more thrill in the journey rather than in the rewards whether it is failure or success. Successful entrepreneurs love to take risk and try new things. They want to test waters first. With failure comes learning and experience. And this is vital to becoming the success they will certainly be.

4. I am too old to start

Why this excuse is so terrible is that it doesn’t paint the real picture of those who started out late and still became success stories. Colonel Sanders started his journey to become the success story of KFC at age 60. Mary Kay started her success story to becoming the cosmetic giant of Mary Kay at age 45. This excuse can be so terrible because being late comes with its advantages. You have to be more creative, think faster and act better. Being late means working hard and going after your dreams with everything you have got. Because when you are late you have almost nothing to lose.

5. I don’t know the right people

Well this excuse will never be heard from a successful entrepreneur who was nurtured and grew into a digital age. No one started out knowing the right people. You had to start first and get noticed by the right people. If you sit down waiting for the right people to flock to you, you will never get started. Get on social media. There is Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Attend conferences, reach out and gain knowledge by attending seminars and workshops. Somewhere in between if you have the right energy and fire to keep on going, you will meet the right people.

6. I don’t have enough time

When you hear this from anyone, he really doesn’t want to start out. There is never enough time. We all have 24 hours every day. And that is it. If that is not enough to start the journey and hit the right buttons, then you really don’t want to go anywhere. Most successful entrepreneurs are effective time managers. They get more done within the allotted time they have. They love what they are doing so much that they wake up as early as possible to get started. Featured photo credit: http://www.pixabay.com via pixabay.com