Here are some reasons that people with anxiety can use their state of mind to work in their favor.

1. They are always the first ones to have assignments finished

Anxiety can be a perfect motivational tool for someone to get an assignment done, whether it is a term paper or a mid-year report for work. It is rare to see anxious people procrastinating and being able to tell themselves that they can get something done last minute. Having work done on time or early is a perk that anxiety brings — and no one will ever complain about. This also means that anxious people are usually well-prepared for a presentation or a test — meaning they make great co-workers and study partners.

2. They make great leaders

Anxiety can make people highly in-tune to the world around them and sensitive to people’s thoughts and actions. This can be a draining way to move through your day, but it can also be a personal attribute that will give you great leadership qualities. Being compassionate is important for a leader, because they are easily attuned to what others truly need. From the workplace to a local community, there have been so many impactful leaders that were able to turn their anxiety into great positives.

3. They make thoughtful decisions

If you know someone who has a reputation for thinking before acting, at first glance it may seem like they do not value spontaneity. But don’t forget: Foresight can be a major blessing. Anxious people often make decisions without first weighting the pros and cons and then choosing a path which they think will most benefit them. Being spontaneous seems to be more fun, but well-thought out decisions will prove more beneficial in the long run.

4. They inspire you to be more empathetic

Those individuals who have to deal with anxiety on a daily basis know what it is like to struggle with an illness. This usually makes them more empathetic towards people of all types of different, difficult situations. They also make great friends, because they know that it is not important to preach, but instead to show continual support to someone who is going through a hard time.

5. They excel in creative thinking

When they are able to harness some of that nervous energy, those suffering from anxiety often make great artists and innovators. Anxious individuals have thought-processes that often go to unique tangents. If used correctly, this ability is greatly beneficial for work or school projects and many other areas in their lives.

6. They are great at putting things in perspective

When you suffer from debilitating anxiety attacks, you learn that other things in life are not so bad in perspective. People suffering from anxiety may find many situations stressful, but with practice they will also realize that things are not as bad as they seem. Being able to make it to the other side of a panic attack or anxiety-filled event can be a great opportunity to look back and realize just how strong you really are. Featured photo credit: Flicker via