As a millennial myself, I know how shattering it can be to wonder how are you going to live in retirement years or what will happen if you get fired. But experts in finances say you are probably better at money management than you think you are, if you are doing these things. I know I read this list breathlessly and I rejoiced at the end, when I realized I had checked multiple items off the list. I hope you will also score well!

1.You think about saving for retirement

As millennials are now in their 20s-30s, we have a lot of time until retirement. If you are thinking of your retirement years, despite this, you are on the good path towards proper adulthood/money management thing. According to money management expert Holly Perez, take advantage of your 401K and look for opportunities to maximize your savings, as well as finding reductions for your taxable income. You use recurring payments for the monthly bills In order to keep your credit score high, it’s very important to pay your bills on time. The most convenient way to do it is activating your recurring payments option. This way, you won’t need to remember paying the bills, as the bank will do it for you, automatically. If you are using this option, your financial status is not endangered by delays in payments and you are able to live off the rest of your money. The best time to set the automatic payments is right after payday, when your account has enough resources.

3. You also made automatic payments to your savings account

One of the best ways to ensure you do get to save money for your retirement fund is setting up automatic payments to your savings account. You can do this online, via online banking, at the end of each month, after you’ve paid for all the bills and groceries. If you are afraid you are not going to do this each month, ask your employer to direct part of your pay towards your savings account. For those of you who don’t like either of these options, simply set up another automatic payment, just like you did for your bills. If you already direct money to your savings, you know this is a great way to prevent overspending.

4. You use financial apps and you value safe banking

If you are using financial apps to know the status of your account at any time, you are on the right track. People who are proficient in money management never leave their accounts to fate: they use financial and budgeting apps or strategies to make sure every dollar is spent wisely.

5. You are using your credit and debit cards wisely

All the previous things do suggest you are using your credit and debit cards wise, but this is so important, I had to reinforce it. Having a credit card and using it at providers who accept credit cards is a good thing, as it helps you build your credit history. This will enable you to get loans and benefits from low interest rates. However, you need to make sure you are not keeping debt on your cards!

6. You have an emergency fund

The ultimate sign you are doing good is having an emergency fund. When you have to pay for something unexpected, you won’t have to take a loan, rely on crowdfunding or borrow money, which is going to make saving almost mission impossible. Having an emergency fund allows you to have peace of mind, as well as a base for future savings. You don’t have to have millions of dollars in hidden, offshore accounts, in order to be financially stable. Money management is about knowing how to handle the payments and make the most out of your monthly revenue. If you recognized yourself in any of these signs, you’re more financially-savvy than you think you are, so congrats! Featured photo credit: Good Vibrations Images/Elitedaily via