According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 49% of adults 18 years or older meet the Physical Activity Guidelines for aerobic physical activity. If you’re someone who wants to increase that statistic without investing in a gym membership, try implementing these eight exercises into a healthy at-home routine.

1. Chest: Push-ups

Although a push-up targets and strengthens your chest area the most, it’s a full body workout that works many muscles throughout your body. There’s a reason people in the military live, breath, and dream about the almighty push-up. If you need help with tracking your counts, check out the array of push-up apps available in your smartphone’s app store. Recommended routine: Perform as many as you can once per day.

2. Back: Supermans

You might not look like Superman – or Woman – today, but that doesn’t mean you can’t look like him – or her – tomorrow by adding this exercise into your weekly routine. Simply lie on your stomach and simultaneously raise your arms, legs and chest off the floor. Hold this contraction for three seconds while squeezing your lower back. Recommended routine: Perform three sets of 10 twice per week. Increase count accordingly.

3. Biceps: Curls With Condiments

Although push-ups also work your biceps, the best way to target this muscle and strengthen it is to perform bicep curls. While people at the gym usually use a dumbbell to perform a bicep curl, you can use anything around your home that creates enough tension in your arm to make the movement challenging. Anything from condiment containers to two-liter soda bottles works well, depending on your strength and stamina. Recommended routine: Perform three sets of 10 twice per week for each arm and add weight.

4. Triceps: Dips

Now that you’ve worked your biceps out, it’s time to take care of those triceps. To perform a dip, turn your back to a secure object like a chair or a bed. Remember, the object should be high enough so you can lower your body to produce strain on your triceps. Then, place your hands shoulder-width apart on the secured object and slide your butt off of it with both legs extended out. Straighten your arms and slowly bend your elbows to lower your body until your elbows reach a 90-degree angle. Keep your back close to the object, and return to the start position. Recommended routine: Perform three sets of 10 twice per week. Increase count accordingly.

5. Shoulders: Arm Circles

This one might look easy, but if you’ve worked your biceps and triceps out hard, it’ll feel more difficult than it looks. Simply stand tall, raise your arms at shoulder level and stretch both out to each side. With each arm, make 10 circular motions to the front and 10 to the back for a total of 20 arm circles per set. Recommended routine: Perform three sets of 20 twice per week. Increase count accordingly.

6. Core: Bicycle

Sit-ups work well; the bicycle works better. To perform this core-strengthening exercise, put yourself in the sit-up position. Instead of moving your entire torso upward, move your right elbow toward your left knee and your left elbow toward your right knee while moving your legs back and forth as if riding a bicycle. When performing the bicycle, there shouldn’t be any breaks in motion as with a traditional sit-up. Recommended routine: Perform the bicycle for as long as you can for three sets.

7. Legs: Running, Body Squats, and Calve Raises

Running, body squats, and calve raises are the easiest ways – meaning you don’t need the gym to perform any of these exercises – to ensure your legs either get into or stay in shape. Before starting a new running routine, consult a physician or personal trainer to ensure you pace yourself into progress and not injury. Recommended routine: Perform squats and raises in three sets of 10 twice per week. Increase count accordingly. Do you know of any more exercises you can perform without a gym membership? Leave a comment below.