Be humble and classy, because the world truly is neither

Once you get out into the world for real, you will notice that nearly no one can accomplish anything without taking pictures and talking about it. Men do not do this. Being a man is about achieving every day, succeeding in ways that only matter to you, and really, truly enjoying those successes only for yourself. Chances are you are never going to earn a parade for your work, and no one is going to name an award after you, and that’s fine. Do you job anyway.

Women are thoughtful, intelligent, and equal to men

A lot of dating culture boys learn going through college has them treating women like objects and has them thinking of dating as if it’s a game. Many boys will spend years acting in this way. But being a man is about recognizing the worth of the fairer sex–they are usually more level-headed and nurturing to men, and are definitely equal in every way. Loving a woman isn’t about owning her or winning her body in any way. It’s about recognizing her equality feeling privileged to share love with her.

Take care of the elderly, children, and animals

When becoming a man, it is important to learn to tend to those who need it. If you’re on a bus, give out your seat for the elderly. If you see a child struggling to reach something at the grocery store, help them grab it. If you see a lost dog on the street, catch it and return it. These are all small tasks that just help society run smoother, and they cost you very little.

Cooking and cleaning are essential skills

Boys are often thought of as slobs. But being a man means being able to take care of yourself. So learn how to pickup your clothes off the ground and make sure you can cook a dish or two. Eating boiled hot dogs over the sink gets old quickly, so start learning early.

Read books, watch movies, and learn about the world outside your experience

Being a man means knowing a little bit about history and being able to talk about it. It also means being able to talk about your favorite book or describe a scene from a movie you like. Any medium that offers a way to broaden your horizon is one you should be consuming.

Sometimes,you have to fight

Most tense situations can indeed be easily diffused with a joke or some calm talking. But other times, you have to fight. Being a man is about being able to recognize the difference between those two situations and being able to act accordingly. I’m not advocating that every conflict you have in a bar turn into a brawl; rather, I’m saying that a man knows which ones need to and which ones can be resolved in other ways.

Life isn’t about just getting things, but also maintaining things

This is a lesson I am still learn. Acquisition of prized objects or amazing goals may come easy to you, and that’s great. But being a man is about keeping that success going, or maintaining the objects that you obtain. Otherwise, things will fall apart, and you’ll be back at square one. Featured photo credit: Well, Hello !! /Tom Waterhouse via