It’s a saying that’s mocked my morals to my core understandings of what it means to be a good person. I’ve never really understood why people don’t choose to seek out nice people to date. Niceness can be defined in many ways, but one of the strongest indicators of a “nice guy” (or girl) is the sentimental way they treat life. Dating a sentimental person has incredible benefits.

Life has special meaning to us.

Things that seem mundane to most people are extraordinarily beautiful to sentimental folks. We always complain that life goes to fast, but how often do you spend time to appreciate that a tree can grow (and even thrive) in an urban environment? When’s the last time you took five minutes to pull over and enjoy a sunset without thinking about which Instagram filter would make the clouds look most like Crayola cotton candy? For sentimental people, every part of life’s intricate structure is suddenly transformed to something very meaningful. We appreciate the simple things, no matter how simple they seem.

There are endless reasons for us to celebrate.

We can find a reason to party for anything. I’m not referring to binge drinking in a dorm room or illicitly using drugs before a showing of the new Jurassic World movie. Instead, we feel the need to celebrate small victories and triumphs that occur frequently in daily life. CThese are usually directly related to others, not ourselves. It’s not uncommon for sentimental people to recommend a surprise party for our close friends or an impromptu get-together.

We use our ears.

Actively! Sentimental people are always there for others, even when it’s very convenient for them. We make such great listeners because we truly care about how you’re feeling, what you’re thinking, and how we can help you get over it (if applicable). Everyone needs a shoulder to lean on. Sentimental people are some of the most stable. If you’re looking to date a good listener, look for someone who’s sentimental.

We (most likely) enjoy above-average sex.

Sentimental people are great in the bedroom. Think about it: we love feeling sensations like love, fear, hate, and other emotions. We are conscious of when those emotions are happening. We envelope themselves in our loved one’s feelings. Why would we not want to experience sensational feelings like touch, taste, smell to the fullest? Sentimental people ooze passion. Imagine what will happen when clothes aren’t involved?

We strongly believe that “what comes from the heart goes to the heart”.

I don’t mean the “I forgot about your birthday, but here’s something from the AM PM up the street – will you please kiss me now” gifts. I’m talking about handmade, stitched, drawn, baked, or carefully thought out gifts that come from the heart. Some of the best gifts I’ve given (and received) have probably cost less than 5 dollars to make. What matters is not the gift itself, but the act of committing yourself to create something from scratch to give to someone you care about. That’s special.

The world we see is cast in color.

This actually has a split meaning. First, sentimental people usually radiate positive energy around them at all times, especially when we are in the presence of other people. This energy (or vibe) is infectious, causing more people around us to feel joy. In the process of being so blissful 24/7 will gain you a lot of friends. Second, sentimental people are not quick to judge things at face value, or in black and white. There are always layers to peel, much like an onion, to find out what something is really about. There’s color in every situation, object, person, place, whatever. Sentimental people understand this insightful concept.

We create lasting memories grounded in pure connection.

If there’s one thing sentimental people are not, it’s fake. We’re not the type that lets any event or circumstance go by unnoticed or under appreciated. All of the sudden dates become the most important thing. Visiting your family or spending time with your friends isn’t a chore. This isn’t a “hassle” or “part of the relationship” that you have to deal with. It’s actually something sentimental people consider a divine privilege. Existence is so much sweeter when you take time — even if just a fleeting moment — to recognize beauty and elegance when you have it. For us sentimental people, those moments are a daily occurrence. Featured photo credit: Man with Bouquet of Roses / Viktor Hanacek via