To make the most out of the day from our work, career, or even vacation, we need to work smart and hard. Below are some tips to increase productivity and get more work done.

1. If you are in college, take down notes, reminders, and exams’ schedule.  Take down everything from the lectures of your professor to the reports of your classmates.

College student have to study their courses and memorize notes for exams, quizzes, and assignments. Remembering bits of information is not an easy task especially if there are other things you need to worry about. According to research, writing down information will let you remember it easily. This lets you know in advance if there is an exam this week or there is a report you need to do.

 2. Create a set of routines every day.

An average work schedule runs from mondays through fridays and having a hectic schedule because of it gives an uncomfortable feeling. Creating routines for every single day of the week provides an organize schedule. Whether it’s hitting the gym after work, going to bed by a certain time, or just leaving early for work to accommodate traffic, routines are fool-proof reminders to ensure productivity.

 3. Never do multiple tasks at once especially if they are important.

We cannot give our 100% to a single task if we are too busy doing multiple tasks at once. Eliminate trivial tasks in your schedule and set aside tasks that are not due for the day. This will let you focus on a single task and give your 100% at it. Who knows? Maybe you can finish the task fast and accurate, and give you more time for your other tasks.

4. List the most important task/s (MIT) for the day and start doing them.

There are events where your boss gives you extra work that must be done in a day or some unforeseen circumstances force you to shift your schedule. Whatever those are, write down the most important tasks (MIT) that must be done for the day and start with them. Set your priorities straight so that you don’t have a hard time choosing what should be done first.

5.  Get a gym membership pass, jog around your neighborhood every weekends or just eat healthy.

As the motto goes, “Health is Wealth”, our body should not be abused in any way for it is our long-term investment. We cannot work properly if we are sick or if we have health issues, this will hinder us from being productive and getting tasks done. Staying fit and healthy allows us to function properly for our work and other tasks. It also boosts our self-confidence.

6. Just say NO to tasks that are over your work limit or to invites from your friends going out to the bar or somewhere else.

Most of the time, peer pressure provides anxiety rather than comfort. Saying NO is a skill that must be learned these days. Imagine if you say yes to every invites from your friends or to tasks offered by your boss, adding unnecessary tasks to your work schedule. Saying NO will not affect your social status and position in life as long as you do your work properly and you set your priorities straight.

7. Sleep early and wake up early.

This one is an overused statement but that fact is a testament on how important sleeping and waking up early is. 24 hours seem a lot of time to schedule your tasks but in reality, it is short. Your work schedule will be reduced depending on how many hours you spent sleeping but sleep is important as it is the time our body produces new cells and heals wounds. Waking up early provides you more time, might it be an hour or two, to work for your tasks. Productivity allows you to get more work done. Planning your work schedule as early as possible conditions your mind and body to adapt to the new ways and routines that will eventually become a part of your daily habit. Featured photo credit: IMG_0115.jpg/lukeok via