A person can only do the same thing so many times before they get bored, so going on the same dates over and over again probably isn’t the best way to keep your love life exciting or mysterious. The good news? Anyone can be romantic. Apply these 30 tips if you’d like to make your partner say, “WOW!”

1. Is your partner sick at work?

Surprise them at work with hot cocoa or tea. If they’ve got a terrible case of the flu, you could even bring them a thermos containing Theraflu! One of my past girlfriends did this for me and I thought it was one of the sweetest things she ever did for me. Don’t underestimate the power of small, thoughtful surprises!

2. Make a mix tape/CD.

It’s old-school, but it still works (and your partner will think about you every time they listen to it!). 

3. Start every day with a hug and kiss.

This will release feel-good hormones in your body that will make you and your love feel super happy!

4. Write a love note.

Yes, you could send a text saying, “I love you,” but that’s too obvious. Given that most of us communicate electronically all day every day, taking the time to actually write a letter by hand will show your partner how thoughtful and romantic you are.

5. Write a love poem.

If a note is just too easy, step up your game by upgrading to a love poem! It doesn’t have to be a Shakespearean sonnet: it’s the thought that counts! If you’re a comedian, you could even make it comedic, because few things are more sexy than funny people.

6. Go on a picnic.

Prepare a lunch or grab some take-out and enjoy a scenic lunch together. Bonus points if you plan it at a time the park will be quiet so you can enjoy some much-needed peace and silence together.

7. Never stop complimenting your partner.

Never stop complimenting your partner on your favorite things about their body, and if they’re looking super suave and sexy, make sure you tell them all about it.

8. Shoulder rub? Yes, please!

Who doesn’t love a good shoulder rub? Give your partner a nice massage if they look tense after work. If you’re lucky, they might return the favor. If you’re really lucky, it could lead to more fun activities!

9. Say, “I love you.”

It goes without saying, but in the hustle and bustle of the stressful life a lot of us lead, it’s awfully easy to forget the power of those three simple words.

10. Do you remember that one time…?

As the months and years go on, it can become easy to forget why we fell so hard for a person in the first place. Talk about that lovely day you met each other, laugh about that terribly embarrassing thing you said on your first date, and remind each other of your relationship’s Greatest Hits!

11. Surprise your honey with coffee or breakfast in bed.

This goes for you too, guys. Bring your partner a cup of coffee to help them start the morning energized with a quick caffeine hit (they will thank you for it!). If you’d really like to make them feel special, surprise them with a tray of their favorite breakfast foods. Two scrambled eggs, chopped berries, and a bit of yogurt would definitely do the trick.

12. Invest in a babysitter!

If you’ve got kids, I know life can get busy, but it’s in your best interest to find a way to have some alone time with the special person in your life. Can’t afford to hire a sitter? Ask a parent or trusted friend to watch your Mini-Me in exchange for a thoughtful favor tailored to their needs. For example, if you have a friend who hates cleaning, offer to come over and get things organized in exchange for a night of sitting. Sounds fair to me!

13. Snuggle.

Just do it, trust me.

14. Be mindful of your partner’s interests.

Fellas: I know you might not be that into romantic movies, but if your partner really wants to go see one, it will mean the world to her. It’s just two hours and you will survive, I promise! Ladies: Your man and his love of wrestling, Nascar, or whatever the case may be? Same goes for you!

15. Go to a movie (but don’t actually watch it).

Go to a movie together and make-out like love-struck high school teenagers. I wouldn’t advise this if you’re going to see Schindler’s List, but otherwise it’ll be tons of fun! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqaQA9GmaUk

16. “How was your day?”

Ask that simple question when your partner gets home from work to show them how much you care.

17. Focus!

Put down the phone, turn off the TV, make eye contact, and say, “What would you like to talk about?” Just because you’re hearing your partner’s words doesn’t mean you’re comprehending them. Taking a brief moment to do this will make them feel loved and important.

18. Blast from the past.

If you’ve been together for a long time, think about some of the special places you went to in the early days of your relationship and revisit them in the present. I wager you’ll both be flooded by long-forgotten memories when you get there.

19. Why so serious?

Have tickle fights, go to a comedy club, make-out in a photo booth. Life doesn’t have to be so serious all the time, and laughter will help you grow closer to the person you love.

20. Before you go to work…

Tell your partner that you can’t wait to see them when you get back and give them a quick kiss.

21. Look at the stars.

Grab a blanket, a bottle of wine, and the hand of your dearest. Lay under the stars, relax, look at the constellations, have a drink, and talk about life.

22. Take up a hobby.

Dance class? Crafting? Gardening? Acting? A new language? Pick your pleasure. Figure out a hobby both you and your partner would enjoy and pursue it together to strengthen your relationship.

23. Ride a ferris wheel.

And don’t forget to get some cotton candy when you’re done!

24. Dress up.

Remember how when you were first dating and you spent hours agonizing over what you should wear? I’m not saying you have to take it to that extent, but some people do tend to let their style go downhill if they get too comfortable in a relationship. Turn the tables by dressing up as if it is your very first date together and you want to be certain you WOW them as much as possible.

25. Schedule a “play” date.

Have kids? It might be tough the find the time for intimacy, so plan to get a sitter one-day-per-week so you can have some alone time with your partner. Go out on a date and then come home, where the real fun begins. I know scheduling might not sound sexy in theory but it is in practice, and believe me, there’s nothing like a little anticipation to spice up your love life.

26. Have a friendly competition.

Bowling, putt-putt, darts, pool, or even the Nintendo Wii all apply. Make a bet with your partner: the loser gives a full body massage to the winner.

27. Surprise your love with a thoughtful gift.

I’m not talking about the obvious occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine’s, and so on — and I’m not suggesting you need to empty your bank account either. But surprise your partner with a little gift that will be meaningful for them when they least expect it if you want to brighten their day! Or, if you’d rather surprise your partner with a fun adventure, check out these 15 surprising romantic date ideas.

28. Hold hands and go on a stroll.

Enjoy each other’s presence in silence and be happy that you have such a special person in your life.

29. This.

30. Be creative.

The other 29 tips should give you some inspiration that will help you be more romantic, but no one knows your partner better than you do. What makes him tick? What does she adore? How can you make their day and show them how much you care? Tell me in the comments (but more importantly, show them today!).