Wait For Miracles Or Change Today?

When we encounter difficulties or are not satisfied with current situation, we often have hopes that something or someone will swoop in and save us, soon or some days in future. But in reality, rarely ever happens. What really occurs is that negative upon negative begins to pile up on us, and that beautiful goal, that wondrous light that we wanted to reach, is further away. We only have this one life, so why not embrace change, so that we learn and grow. In the process we are banking happiness for our future.

We’re Born To Change

As infants we are not afraid of change, and without it, we would never have learned things like walking or talking. As adults, we need to remember that change is a good thing. When we find that things are not working for us we need to change our actions to create a different outcome. If we do not try something different, we will never know if it will work or not for us. For example, if we desire a peaceful life, but find that it is full of drama, something will have to change. This change could mean that we need to disconnect ourselves in some way from those who seem to cause the drama. It does not mean we need to remove all of our family members from our lives, but keeping interactions with the drama creators to a minimum is just fine. This is also a perfect example of a scenario that supplies intrinsic, or internal, motivation. Once we feel that calming peace in our lives, it makes us feel good, and that feeling is what keeps us motivated on the new course that we chose.

Fear of Failure

Failure is a common fear in almost every human on the planet, but it is also the very thing that has helped us all to evolve. If our ancestors threw in the towel because they encountered failed attempts at creating indoor plumbing or even electricity, the world would be a much different place right now. It was the failed attempts that led to learning and growing. Now we have a much more comfortable life because they never gave up. They did not allow fear to stop them from trying something new, and we shouldn’t either. Throw fear to the wind and try. If we fall, we should get up and try again. Changing our course may be scary, but even if we fail, we tried, we learned, and we can get up and try something else.

Why Wait Until Tomorrow To Make A Change?

That old saying, to never put off tomorrow what can be done today, is spot on. Why wait until tomorrow to make a change? The longer we hesitate the less likely we are to do it. Procrastination is not a word that should be in our lives. If we look hard enough, we can find one thing that makes us unhappy. Make a change today to try and fix it. If money is the problem, we can always start the hunt for a new job, or research colleges and apply for student loans. We can do it by – just doing it.